I am very interested in the ceremonial monarchies. Notably, Ngayogyakarta kingdom. One of the highlights was the funeral sri sultan Hamengkubuwana IX. Very happy when I found one article tempo.co.id in 1988, total eradication thoroughly seconds the sultan's funeral.
sumber: http://majalah.tempointeraktif.com/id/arsip/1988/10/15/NAS/mbm.19881015.NAS28386.id.html
08.30 RIGHT blow open the form gising drums / drum sounds. Then gising Monggang of gamelan Kyai Guntur Sea began to heave. The tune sounded like wailing, rending deserted. Without any prior announcement speech or word, 14 Kopassus soldiers red helmets, camouflage uniforms, slowly lifting bodies Hamengkubuwono IX, which since Friday, the day before, was buried in Ward Kencono Sultan Palace which was red carpeted. Yellow umbrella, which was originally installed near the coffin was lifted, following the procession. More than four thousand mourners in attendance standing. The crate when it arrives from Jakarta covered red and white flag has now been covered with white satin. Roncean jasmine flowers decorate the casket. Flowers and incense fragrance menyerbak all directions. Gising Monggang kept moaning, rung by ten musicians, led by KRT Mangkoeasmoro, 76 years. Lastly, gising Monggang it sounded in Yogyakarta palace 48 years ago, in 1940, when the Hamengkubuwono IX crowned - also by Gamelan Kyai Guntur Sea. Gamelan is said to have originated from the Majapahit era was just to sing Monggang. Slowly coffin made of glossy mahogany brown - in crates measuring 3 meters long, 95 cm wide, 75 cm high and this is the body of the late Sri Sultan was brought from the United States - carried out Kencono Ward, preceded by a relative who carrying the portrait of Sultan.
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Sri sultan hamewngkubuwana saat djoemenengan nata, atau pelantikan dirinya sebagai sultan. |
Golden yellow train that has been decorated with two hundred pounds of jasmine flowers, interspersed with roses, asparagus and a little apple blossom orchid Hite taken delivery of bouquets President. Smell the fragrance spread everywhere. Meanwhile, on the brown horse named Bayukusuma, manggala Yudha (commander) soldiers palace, GBPH Yudaningrat, 31 years, preparing his soldiers. He wore a black dress with a white sash. Waist wrapped in batik patterned black and white, black shoes with white socks. Keris tucked in his waist, while his right hand holding a sword. Kiai 09.00 Average Pralaya driven by a coachman KRT (Kanjeng Raden Hero) Kudawijaya, 70 years old, released by the President who was accompanied by brother Sultan, Prince Poeroebojo, and the eldest son of Sultan, Mangkubumi. Hearse motorcade preceded musical force, consisting of 16 drums, trumpet 8, 19 flutes, 2 small gong, and 2 drum. Tambourine-drum was wrapped in a white mori, as a sign of condolence, as well as to muffle his voice so as not too noisy to surprise hearse towing a horse. Rhythm that sounded gising is Laratanis. Forces behind this music around 500 soldiers marched palace consisting of 8 bergada. The first soldier Wirabraja aka chili brother, armed with a long rifle in a red costume and white-white majority. Then soldiers Daeng, Jagakarya, Patangpuluhan, Prawiratama. Nyutra soldiers followed by red and yellow costume of yellow and black, armed with long spears. Then the soldiers Ketanggung and Mantrijero. Behind the train, looking to accompany a horse without a rider but complete with saddle. Smooth black colored horse that is used to Kiai Slamet ridden Sultan when visiting the area. Behind this convoy, then the buses are crowded with mourners lined up. While running, in front of the train, a few spread courtiers saur - yellow rice and coins, mixed with flowers roses, jasmine, and ylang that will be sought by people. Slowly and laboriously accompaniment was pushed through the crowded audience. Accompaniment was intermittently interrupted by the crowd's insistence. Mass at sea was indeed mixed. Old, young, all mingled and jostled. Occasionally heard sobbing or weeping "Ingkang Sinuhun" or "Ngarsa Dalem". At 9:38 Kiai Average Pralaya through the streets in the middle of the twin banyan in the square south. It is also part of the tradition that has been running since the days of Hamengkubuwono I. Every king is dead, his remains have passed between the twin banyan trees in the square south. Was when kings go, he had to pass the sidelines twin banyan in the square north.Forty-five minutes after departure, the hearse passes Nirbaya gate, out of the palace complex. More frenzied crowd numbers. They thronged, not only the roads, but also trees, roofs, walls, or anywhere else that could ditenggeri. In the suburbs, the mass of the more booming. Almost no empty space that is not filled with people. Layers. Over-crowded. Bleg Tumplek. Solid. Very solid. Indeed fantastic. How hard is estimated that the number of people crammed into a roadside along the Yogyakarta-Imogiri which is about 17 kilometers. Hundreds of thousands. Or maybe more than one million people. Many come from other regions. One group came from Pasuruan, East Java, for example, directly to the city limits, so they get in Yogya on Friday night. From the air, it looked hearse procession stretched unbroken, bererotan along several kilometers. Yogya weather that day was somewhat overcast, helping the audience. However, for the more than a hundred mourners in the bus, traveling "crawl" a distance of 17 km to be taken for more than five hours seemed very long. However, in many places, people spontaneously provide water, tea, and fruit for free for those who are overheated. Towards the corpse arrived at 15:00 at the funeral Imogiri. Sultan Agung in this hill at about 1629-1630 ordered the commencement of construction of the tomb for himself. There are 454 stairs carved on the wall of the hill to reach the peak. The tomb complex is now split in two, for a family of Yogyakarta and Surakarta Sultanate.
Hamengkubuwono IX Saptarengga buried in Astana, one part of this tomb. Beginning with a salvo shot was fired by a platoon Bull Raiders, an umbrella body of Sri Sultan oversized yellow umbrella, carried to Astana Saptarengga.Pajimatan mosque, which is located at the foot of the hill, disalatkan Sultan's body was carried to the top before. The casket bearers were the courtiers Gladak a red suit, red hat with a white cloth jumputan fried egg blue. They were assisted by two platoons of Kopassus and the Banteng Raiders, which is needed to lift the heavy coffin to the top of the hill. Saptarcngga approached Astana, louder sound doxology. Thrilling, heartbreaking at the same time. Lailahailallah. Lailahailallah. There is no god but Allah. Only the mourners were dressed in cloth, blangkon, and Peranakan dress for men, as well as fabrics with a tank top for women, who were allowed to enter. Footwear must be removed. Photographing is also forbidden. U.S. Ambassador Paul Wolfowitz, and ambassador to Australia Bill Morrison - both with his wife and half-breed seemed to wear a tank top. Saptarengga Astana tomb is a complex area of 20 X 20 meters, surrounded by walls as high as 2.5 meters. Here stands a cupola building area of 7.7 x 7.7 meters, roof tiles, teak wood walls. Door and the south wall is made of glass cupola. In the cupola there are grave Hamengkubuwono VII and VIII, as well as six other tombs, among others empress Hamengkubuwono VIII and his second wife and four Hamengkubuwono IX. Hamengkubuwono beside the tomb of VII and VIII that Hamengkubuwono IX buried.
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Iring-iringan jenazah sri sultan hamengkubuwana IX |
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